High Accuracy Test Pressure Gauges

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Test pressure gauges are devices used to measure the pressure of liquid, gas, steam and other fluids operating in applications within testing environments.


Gauges are critical to ensure the correct pressure levels are maintained, to enable hassle-free monitoring of the performance of the application, which supports the efficient performance of your process.


Boiswood have a long-standing working partnership with Wika, our test pressure gauge suppliers. Wika are a strong and reliable manufacturer, who are worldwide leader in pressure and temperature measurement. We have access and a great working knowledge of their enormous catalogue of gauges and can support you in choosing the right gauge to meet the critical needs of your system or process.

What are Test Gauges and How Do They Work?


A test pressure gauge is typically a measuring device attached to an application or machine within industrial processes to monitor pressure levels, accuracy, efficiency and fluctuations. These gauges monitor the level and can be used to alert the end user to any changes which fall out of the pre-determined parameter. The display on the gauge can be either digital or mechanical dial. Dial displays typically use a bourbon tube to indicate the pressure level.


Test pressure gauges are used in demanding environments where very high or very low pressures are present.  They provide extremely high accuracy readings which are critical to the safety and efficiency of the application.


The bourbon tube inside the gauge measures the pressure by moving around in a rotational motion to indicate the pressure. The pointer on the dial moves around the calibrated scale on the gauge's face to display an accurate reading. It's important to calibrate the test pressure gauges at relevant frequencies to ensure they display precise measurements, which align with the actual pressure being tested.


Types of Calibration Gauges


  • Digital - measures pressure by using electronic sensors and displays the readings digitally on the screen. These gauges usually have a higher accuracy and are deemed a more 'modern' solution.

    Our CPG1500 precision digital pressure gauge offers high accuracy classes only matched by digital calibrators.
  • Mechanical - measures pressure using mechanical components such as diaphragms and bourdon tubes. These gauges are typically less precise compared to digital versions.

    Our 332.30 high quality test gauge has been specifically designed for precise measurements and is suited for calibration tasks.


How to Specify Critical Gauges


  • Pressure Range - identify the range of pressure levels the gauge needs to operate in, ensure the gauge can clearly reach or read the required pressure level whether is extreme high or very low pressures.
  • Accuracy of the gauge - ensure the desired accuracy levels or class can be achieved and any fluctuations/increments can be easily seen.
  • Environment - understand the surrounding area to ensure gauge can withhold heat radiation and high or low temperatures within the operating area. Could the gauges be installed on machines which may cause vibrations?


In Action


For more information on how our standard pressure gauges work, please watch our intuitive video below: 



Why choose Boiswood
for your Test Pressure Gauges

Quality Products & Service Levels
World-class quality products backed by unrivalled service levels. We only partner with the best manufacturers in industry. You can trust in our 30+ years of experience.
Competitive Pricing Structures
Competitively priced products that we strive to keep consistent. We always ensure special pricing structures are considered.
Excellent Delivery Schedules
Attractive lead times that are monitored and managed, ensuring customers receive on-time deliveries. We can also ship our products internationally.
Ultra-Fast Response Times
Tired of chasing for answers? We pride ourselves on our unmatched response times. You can rely on us to provide extremely quick answers to technical and commercial queries.
Free Technical Support
On-going support for our customers to meet any evolving technical requirements. We can help size and specify solutions for even the most bespoke applications.
OEM & Custom Configurations
We sit alongside design teams to specify the right solution for your application, no matter how demanding. Whether it’s out-of-the-box or a custom design, we are up for the challenge.
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